We need plenty of vitamins and minerals while growing up to help develop bones, muscles, skin and organs, to see properly and to battle infections. If we don’t get enough of all the vitamins and minerals, it can lead to serious problems. Since the mouth is exposed to a constant inflow of bacteria and it has ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive, it is one of the first places where lack of vitamins shows. This is why children show sings in their mouth when vitamins and minerals for growth and development are lacking. The common signs for the lack of vitamins are:
- Cracks at the corners of your mouth.
- Dry and smooth tongue.
- Gums that bleed easily.
- Ulcers in the gums.
- Increased susceptibility for infections.
Our bodies absorb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients better when they come from food, rather than from vitamin and mineral supplements. So the best way for you and your child to get enough vitamins and minerals is by eating a wide variety of fresh foods, including:
- Vegetables
- Fresh fruit
- Grain food – bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, rice, corn and so on
- Reduced-fat dairy food – milk, yoghurt and cheese
- Meat, fish, chicken, eggs and legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas and so on).
If you find that your child has started to develop Ulcers in his Gums, Cracks at the corner of his mouth or Bleeding Gums, it is important to make an appointment to see Dr. Kaufman Daniel at Tooronga Family Dentistry as soon as possible Please call 98227006. In our comprehensive exam we will be able to see what is the cause of these symptoms.