Many of us , myself included, find ourselves clenching and grinding our teeth, when concentrating, driving or working. But surprisingly most of us do it in our sleep. There are ways we can tell that we have been engaging in this destructive behavior by listening to our body. The signs that tell what went on at night are: feeling headaches, sensitive teeth, pain around the ear, neck pain, clicking joints, jaws that ‘lock’ in the open or closed position or muscle fatigue. Sometimes even psychological illnesses such as depression or anxiety may be connected with the clenching, which only make clinical diagnoses harder and the effective treatment more difficult to implement.
Conservative measures of treatment such as massage, physical and behavioral therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants are usually employed for those who suffer from pain. However, these approaches can fail to succeed and they do not prevent the damage to the teeth or reduce the force applied.
Botulinum, a toxin that is usually used to treat blepharospams and chronic migraines that cause muscle paralysis has been used to help those who suffer from bruxing. The effects of botulinum toxin on bruxing, which happens unconsciously, have been intensively studied and it has been proven to be an it has been found to be an ideal treatment for excessive muscle movement during daytime and night-time. Although the way how botulinum toxin works on of temperoromandibular disorders are poorly understood, the studies of botulinum toxin show that they provide significant relief in the intensity and duration of pain including headaches and neck pains, whilst protecting teeth from further damage in bruxing patients.
If you would like to try this novel treatment for bruxing, or get help for clenching and grinding, please call Tooronga Family Dentistry, Phone number 98227006.