Many people are surprised when a tooth breaks, chips or they find a big piece of it in their mouth. The reasons teeth break in most of the cases are tooth-grinding, amalgam fillings and acid wear or a combination of the three.
Tooth grinding happens in the sleep as an outcome of stress, drugs or problems with the way teeth come together like overeruption. There are several signs that can hint to what is happening at night, you can sometimes see the wear on your own teeth, feel sharp edges with the tongue or the jaw may ache from the clenching. An occlusal splint used at night can relieve the symptoms and protect teeth.
Amalgam restorations have a tendency to change shape and expand. The expansion leads to cracks and then to the fracture of the tooth. To prevent it from happening it is important to monitor the teeth with amalgam fillings and if cracking signs appear we can replace the old fillings with composite restorations.
Acid wear or erosion, of the teeth can be caused by decay, sugary drinks or Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and bulimia where the acid from the stomach wears the teeth. Following the exposure to the acid the enamel becomes thin and almost translucent and the dentin, which is the sensitive and more vulnerable part of the tooth becomes exposed. This process leaves the teeth vulnerable to cracking or crumbling away. But this erosion isn’t normal and can be stopped and reversed.
Since there are many factors that can lead to crumbling teeth we need to identify the causes and prevent them. Once the factors that have caused the damage have been removed we can establish the degree of protection required which can include fluoride supplements, composite restoration, a mouth guard for example.
Please contact us or make an appointment with us to receive the right treatment for you.