Dental implants can replace missing teeth with a long lasting, esthetic and functional solution. To achieve a good outcome though, you must take care of your implants.
You may be wondering why, since implants, crowns or dentures are made of artificial materials, why worry with brushing them? It is true that bacteria cannot make affect the titanium, porcelain or metal but your implant are embedded in the jaw bone, surrounded by the same gum tissue and placed next to natural teeth. These living tissues gum and bone that surround and support the implants are susceptible to an infection and destruction caused by plaque, called “perimplantitis”.
The bone and tissues around an implant have a higher susceptibility to infection, because the implant’s connection to the jaw bone differs from that of natural teeth. An implant is embedded directly into the bone, while a natural tooth has an elastic ligament connecting it to the bone called the periodontal ligament that prevents the spread of the bacteria to the bone. That is the reason, daily hygiene is so important for preventing a gum disease next to implants. So, be sure to brush and floss all your teeth, including implants, twice daily and continue to make regular half yearly dental visits for a general exam and scaling. If a swelling, redness or bleeding starts next to an implant see us as soon as possible for an examination.
Think of your good oral hygiene, for your teeth and implants, as a long-term investment in your smile and dental health. Most implants last for decades given that good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist are maintained. If you would like more information on caring for your dental implants, please ask Dr. Kaufman or schedule an appointment for a consultation.