A child as young as seven years old can have his or her first permanent incisors or molars grow in the wrong position. If left untreated, it can lead to a host of problems, may complicate future orthodontic treatment and may even require surgery to correct the malformation. On the other hand during a child’s growth we can influence the way the jaws develop and bring them into a correct relationship. A good example of an important malformation that requires immediate intervention is Anterior Crossbite as shown in the image here, where the lower jaw was pushed forwards by the way the front teeth meet.
Anterior crossbite is relatively a common presentation in the mixed dentition stage. It happens when the upper incisors develop behind the lower incisors. When the child is young, it is relatively easy to guide the erupting teeth to their correct position with a simple appliance. As shown in a completed treatment by Dr. Kaufman.
Don’t wait for the malformations to be more entrenched and difficult to treat. If you feel that your child’s teeth are starting to erupt in the wrong way or there are any missing teeth, please make an appointment to see Dr. Kaufman to have them checked.