Increased body weigh and size are accompanied by profound changes in the function and metabolism of individuals . These changes have effects on the well being, oral health and function. Listed here are some oral consequences of obesity and possible solutions:
- The increase in size causes difficulty in function which can lead to a deterioration in oral hygiene. The outcome would be decay and gum disease , for which early detection in a three monthly dental exam, will help prevent.
- Research has shown that “From a biological standpoint it seems indisputable that obesity impacts processes that involve inflammation, including but not being restricted to periodontitis.” In order to reduce the gum disease frequent oral hygiene visits are required to aid in maintaining a healthy mouth and body.
- It has been found in research that obese children suffer more from decay . The possible reasons is the composition of the diet. The risk of teeth breaking down due to decay can be reduced by changing the diet and using products containing fluoride, calcium and phosphate.
- Obesity can lead to several medical conditions, Diabetes, Hyper tension, hearth disease, obstructive sleep apnea. The fat in the neck and face can decrease the flow of air to the lungs, especially while the person is sleeping. I can make an appliance that increases the air flow and help with the sleep apnea.
- The presence of bacteria in the mouth allows then to invade the blood stream and reach other organs. To prevent the spread of oral bacteria and their toxins to other organs we need the awareness of the caring team. I can instruct the caring team how to help the obese person reach and maintain good oral hygiene, use the correct tooth paste, mouth wash and dental appliances.
If you would like to discuss the possible ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy, please call Tooronga Family Dentistry, Phone number 98227006.