In recent years, the prevalence of tooth acid erosion has risen considerably and it is now considered one of the main reasons for tooth loss, while the prevalence of decay is gradually diminishing.
The loss of enamel has several effects on the dentition in general and on the individual teeth in particular. For the dentition the loss of enamel leads to loss in the tooth height, decreasing the support to the jaw and increasing the pressure on the jaw joint( TMJ ) leading to clicks while eating and jaw locking. For individual teeth the loss of enamel leads to the exposure of dentin, to tooth color becoming more yellow, to increased sensitivity to hot and cold and to decay.
In order to address this growing concern new strategies have been developed to prevent and treat the worn teeth. Prevention is the best solution and it can be achieved by a drastic reduction in the consumption of soft drinks, energy drinks and fruit juices. In addition it is recommended to use concentrated fluoride mouth rinses and tooth mousse to protect the remaining enamel from decay.
The worn enamel needs to be replaced with newly developed composite materials or porcelain , used to substitute the missing enamel to restore the form and the function of the teeth.
If you suffer from sensitive teeth and clicking joints you may have lost much of the enamel protecting your teeth. It is important to have Dr. Daniel Kaufman examine your teeth and prescribe you a plan to help you with your discomfort. Please call Tooronga Family Dentistry, Phone number 98227006 and make an appointment.