Root canal treatment is needed when a tooth has a damaged or infected pulp. The causes leading a pulp to become damaged are either a cavity or a trauma to the tooth.
The signs that a tooth needs a root canal treatment may include, sensitivity to hot and cold drinks and foods, pain when biting or chewing, loosening of the tooth, swelling of the gum near the affected tooth, oozing of pus surrounding the affected tooth, facial swelling or unprovoked or spontaneous pain.
In the following images an abscess has formed at the lower end of the tooth to the left under a bridge. The first image shows the dark area where the bacteria exist. In the second image the abscess area has shrunk and the canal has been filled. The third image shows the healed abscess.
If the infection is left untreated there could be complications:
-Spreading infection – once the bacteria find their way into the pulp chamber, they will multiply unchecked and cause a severe infection or an abscess. The infection can spread to the surrounding bone and from there the infection can enter the blood stream or spread to other facial structures.
-Bone loss – Left untreated the infection causes the body to distance itself and cause bone loss.
-Tooth loss – eventually the tooth may need to be removed.
Dr. Kaufman has helped many patients save their teeth by disinfecting the canal, healing the abscess and sealing the canals.
Below is another example where the patient has presented with a big swelling caused by an abscess originating in the root canal. Once the abscess is healed the tooth can be finally restored with a crown like for the following patient.
Abscess under tooth ->treatment started -> abscess healing -> healed abscess and crown placed.