Having dental treatment while you are asleep, also known as Dental Sedation, Sleep Sedation, and Sedation Dentistry , has several advantages:
- A reduction in the awareness, which allows for more extended treatment to be performed at once, without experiencing any of it.
- No recollection of the treatment which allows for more complex procedures to be performed like wisdom tooth extraction or implant placement.
- It alleviates the fear, anxiety and discomfort that may be associated with the treatment.
- It allows for treatment to children, autistic spectrum disorder or those with functional behavior problems.
- While having the dental procedure you are unaware of the sight, smell and sounds of the treatment.
To achieve the right level of sedation a special dental anesthetist provides and monitors the patient constantly. Our dental anesthetist has 2 years full time training in medical anesthesia and as such is also trained in general anesthesia he is board certified in dental anesthesia in North America, holding both a Diploma from the National Dental Board of Anesthesia and a Fellowship in dental anesthesia from the American Dental Society of anesthesia.
The treatment provided during the dental sedation is at the same meticulous standards that I provide always and the dedicated anesthetist ensures that the sedation is safe, leading to a comfortable and successful outcome.
If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment please don’t hesitate to contact us.