Due to the ideal conditions in the mouth for the proliferation of bacteria, dental infections are common and sometimes, they develop into a life-threatening situation. Cavities, are one of the most common infections caused by acid-generating bacteria that deposit themselves on tooth surfaces. Over time, acid erodes tooth enamel, compromising tooth strength and creates cavities allowing sanctuary to the bacteria. The major culprits or causes of cavities are sweets, but even sugar free fizzy drinks play a substantial role in tooth erosion, largely because the phosphoric acid they contain which alters the oral acidity levels. Cavities can pave the way for other, more serious infections to develop.
Pulpitis is an inflammation of the tooth pulp which develops when cavities get deep enough, to allow bacteria to reach the pulp. It can also develop from a fractured tooth, when the freshly broken dentin allows bacteria from the saliva to infiltrate the small canals in it. The inflammation in the pulp symptoms can manifest itself in moderate pain that comes and goes in response to cold or hot liquids.
Dental abscesses
A dental abscess is one of the most serious dental infections anyone can get. It starts when bacteria manage to colonise the entire pulp chamber and begin to accumulate at the base of the tooth. There the bacteria can penetrate the bone, blood vessels and spread to other structures. Without treatment the abscess grows in size, the bacteria spread, often very rapidly, and cause severe facial swelling, pain, and discomfort. The next organs the bacteria can spread to are the brain or the heart, creating life threatening infections there.
Periodontitis is a gum disease, which occurs when the bacteria penetrate the gum surrounding the teeth and supportive bone structure, causing the ligament connecting the tooth the bone to detach. The gum infection is usually chronic and develops gradually over time, leading to irreversible bone loss. But in severe cases of periodontitis, a periodontal abscess may form in a short period. Symptoms of the gum infection typically include redness, sensitivity to touch, bleeding, bad breath and swelling. Over time teeth start to become mobile and shift causing noticeable gaps.
Pericoronitis is an infection that occurs when food particles and bacteria get trapped around unerupted or partially erupted teeth. The protective cover of the erupting tooth, provides protection for the bacteria which manage to establish themselves there. As the number of bacteria increases an infection develops causing pain and swelling.
Since bacteria are the primary cause for all the infections the best way to minimize the risk is by practicing good oral hygiene, making sure that food or other particles aren’t trapped between the teeth for long. Regular examinations will allow me to detect the first signs of trouble and prevent the progression of the destruction. When there are any symptoms of infection, even if the only symptom is pain, be sure to call us and make an appointment. Early intervention may prevent the infection from escalating into something far more severe, painful, and costly to treat.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Kaufman or to call today Tooronga Family Dentistry, phone number 98227006, for more information about dental infections.