The descriptions of the Inflammatory process dates back to the ancient Egyptian and Greek cultures. It is part of the body’s response, to an attack by foreign objects and is usually followed by healing. It is a beneficial process designed to protect, care for and heal the body but if the presence of the bacteria or the foreign body becomes chronic the prolonged inflammatory process starts doing you harm.
When something harmful or irritating affects a part of you, the body’s response is to try and remove it – an inflammation is created. It does not mean that you have an infection, as an infection is caused by a bacteria, virus or fungus, while an inflammation can be for example due to a thorn, a substance you are allergic to or even to parts of your own body in rare cases. There are 5 signs and symptoms of inflammation:
- Swelling of the inflamed organ.
- Redness of the inflamed area.
- The inflamed are is warmer than normal.
- Pain in the inflamed area.
- The function of the organ is restricted.
When we have a wound or injury the resulting inflammation, initiates the healing process, without it wounds and infections would never get better. However when the body’s defenses fail to eliminate whatever was causing the acute inflammation a chronic, long-term inflammation, which can last for several months and even years is caused. A chronic inflammation, can become self-perpetuating, leading to more inflammation created in response to the existing inflammation. In extreme cases autoimmune conditions emerge where the immune system attacks healthy tissue, or a chronic low intensity irritant that persists. Common examples of chronic inflammation conditions are asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, periodontitis and chronic sinusitis. To help cure the chronic inflammation it is important to find and resolve the underlying condition. Once removed the inflammation will cease and the healing process can start. For Gum inflammation removing the Dental Biofilm will eliminate the inflammatory process.