When we hit our mouth or face, many structures might be injured. Following the trauma, time is of essence .In any incidence that one or more teeth have been hit, you should call our practice immediately and make an appointment. A wait and see approach may have irreversible consequences. Please do not try to insert the teeth back yourself .
In cases when the tooth or parts of it are missing, we recommend you to search for them and place them in a glass with cold milk. Don’t keep the tooth or pieces dry or try to clean them yourself since the tooth is covered with tiny fibers which might be needed to implant them back. The sooner you receive professional treatment, the better are the chances that the treatment will have a favorable outcome.
Please call us immediately at the practice or our emergency mobile number 0450 067 475.
The consequences of a teeth trauma can range from a transient period of sensitivity to tooth loss. An early intervention can improve the chances of a favorable outcome . After treatment, we need to monitor the condition of the tooth or teeth to detect any early signs of trouble so symptoms like an abscess or a dark tooth can be avoided.
Wearing a custom made mouth guard is a proved and reliable way to avoid teeth trauma.