Dental implants are designed to be strong and durable, but to keep them functioning the way they should and looking their best, they need care similar to your natural teeth. Since they are affected by the same bacteria, as your teeth, they need twice daily regular brushing and flossing. At times though due to the difference between the shape of a tooth root and an implant special brushes may be indicated on top of the other appliances. In our six monthly visit, I examine your implants and the neighboring teeth, to ensure that your gums are as healthy as possible.
Once an implant is placed to replace a tooth in your mouth, a collar of hardy gum tissue should form around it, similarly to your natural teeth. But because the titanium is not a biologic material the connection between the gum tissue and the implant is weaker than the one to your natural teeth. This is the reason why, you may want to avoid brushing with harsh abrasive toothpastes containing baking soda or those designed to “whiten” your teeth next to your implant. Since these abrasives may damage or irritate the gum and soft tissue surrounding the implant, causing inflammation or bleeding.
When you brush or floss abound your implants, always look for signs of inflammation: swollen, tender, or bleeding gums and bad smell. If you feel the need for more training in caring for your implants, feel free to ask our team to provide you with tips and go step by step through the right way to clean your implants. Remember your implants represent a considerable investment both in time and money, so it’s only natural you’d want to make sure you’re doing all you can to keep them in top shape.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Kaufman or to call today Tooronga Family Dentistry, phone number 98227006, for more information about caring for your dental implants.