E-cigarettes were designed to help smokers quit smoking. They simulate the act of smoking tobacco cigarettes without burning tobacco, reducing the contact with cancer causing substance. But the presence of nicotine can lead to addiction in a similar manned to other alternative forms of tobacco. Non-nicotine containing solutions are also available and many brands (both nicotine and non-nicotine) come in fruit, confectionery and other flavors.
There is very little documented evidence regarding the oral effects of e-cigarette use. In one study it has been found that 6% of patients reported mouth irritation; 8% sore throat and dry mouth; and 9% mouth ulcers after 4 weeks of use. After 8 weeks, 8% reported coughing and after 24 weeks, 8% had throat irritation and 7% dry mouth. To date, the American FDA has published 115 adverse events concerning e-cigarettes have been reported, including four reports of mouth irritation and/or bleeding gums. Since these appliances have been recently developed, we may not know their full effects on our health for years. Nevertheless is seems that the e-cigarettes do have adverse effects and may not be a good solution for those trying to stop smoking since they can lead to further addiction.