Many times after a party piles of tasty food are left tempting you to indulge in a load of unhealthy snacking. Don’t turn your leftover candy into an after party hangover. Here’s how to use every last piece of candy to a good purpose:
1. Bake
Grab your apron and your chocolate leftovers, it’s time to whip up a great dessert. Chocolate is not only delicious, it’s one of the sweets that has little impact on your teeth. It dissolves quickly in the mouth, decreasing the amount of time the sugar stays in contact with the teeth. You can even try these great recipes. If your taste buds crave white chocolate cookies, use our cranberry and white chocolate cookies recipe, or try our Halloween recipes.
2. Create
It’s time to let that great creative mind of yours make masterpieces! Make a candy mosaic or edible jewelry. Any candy with a colored coating is great for painting. To get the colors off, for your drawing, dip pieces of candy into small bowls of water and then brush them on to your creation. For more great activities with candy use this advice from Education world.
3. Educate
With Candy and Math games kids can learn math and engineering principles without even noticing. Young children can start practicing patterns and counting, while older children can build candy castles, robots and racing cars.
The team at Tooronga Family Dentistry wishes you have a great after party with these candy activities. Have fun!