While there is sparse data on COVID-19 due to its relatively recent emergence, the German Society of Dentistry and Oral Medicine (DGZMK), has “stressed the importance of dental prevention and the systemic relevance of dentistry , especially in times of the pandemic.” They cites a number of recent studies that suggest good oral health can reduce the severity of cases of COVID-19. Prof. Roland Frankenberger, president of the DGZMK stated: “In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, dentistry has a particularly important role to play in keeping the oral cavity healthy. Dental prophylaxis strengthens the immunocompetence at the point of entry of the virus and helps to avoid infection or to mitigate its course.”
It is important to remember that a healthy oral cavity is a barrier against a wide range of diseases in normal circumstances and this remains true, notes Dr Frankenberger, in the case of COVID-19 which studies have suggested may take a more severe course where good oral hygiene has not been maintained.