Today’s turbulent times highlight the effects of the chronic state of stress we are in, on the teeth, the temporomandibular joint, head and neck. There is not a day passing when one of our patients needs help with :
- A fractured tooth.
- A cracked tooth
- Pain in his Temporomandibular joint.
- Stiff neck.
- head aches.
All of these signs are manifestations of chronic pain syndromes which lead to tooth clenching and grinding.
The reason we suffer from stress is gradually becoming clear. Over our evolution we have developed tools to deal with threatening situations which are commonly called “fight or flight” responses. The reaction in the body is mediated by the “symphatetic system” These tools help us get us out of danger which should be followed by a relaxation period to allow us to recover. But in our modern life style stress is a constant ingredient and many times we don’t take time to relax.
The solution is to find a way to reduce stress. Click on this link for some advice of reducing stress.
Dr. Kaufman has much experience in restoring the wear created by tooth grinding and then providing a maintenance program to arrest any further destruction.
Please call us to make an appointment for assessing the present condition and the possible solutions.