Folks with big smiles may actually live longer than those who don’t. So if you are one of those people who regularly flies into a rage you might pay the ultimate price: an early death. That is the conclusion of new research published in the journal Social Science and Medicine. The study followed a large sample of American men over time, and found one particular trait, the propensity to get angry, was an excellent predictor of whether they’d still be alive 35 years later. Another study published in the same journal finds a strong relationship between happiness and longevity. It suggests that, the happier you are, the better your chances of living a long life.
Smiling is important for communicating with other people and to achieve a great career. Since it takes the average person just seven seconds to form a first impression of someone, it is important to put forward a great first impression when we are interviewing for a new role. The one thing which you can do to dramatically improve those first few seconds of meeting your interviewer it is to smile. You’ll come across as easy to talk to and enthusiastic about the opportunity, immediately.
There are a few simple steps that you can do to improve your smile:
- Have your teeth cleaned – it will remove stains and stop the gums from bleeding.
- Have your teeth whitened. – a bright smile is attractive.
- Remove decay – when there are dark holes in the teeth, it gives an unpleasant impression.
Once you have taken these simple measures you will have a good reason to show off, your beautiful smile. Please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Kaufman or to call today Tooronga Family Dentistry, phone number 98227006, for more advice and information about how to improve your smile.