It is estimated that about one in every five people is affected by tinnitus, which is sensation of a ringing noise in the ears. But tinnitus is not a condition in itself; it is a sign for an underlying problem. The underlying problem could be hearing loss, injury to the ear, or a blood pressure disorder. But another common cause to tinnitus, involves the jaw joint or the temporomandibular joint- TMJ. This version is related to injuries to the head or neck area and is called “Somatic tinnitus”. The symptoms of somatic tinnitus may include changes to the sound volume, hearing disruptions, headaches, memory loss or an increased likelihood of being depressed and sad.
Usually tinnitus isn’t serious and it is more common in more mature people. For that reason, many don’t seek help for it. It is worth mentioning that tinnitus seems to worsen with age, so while symptoms might not be an issue one year, they may be more significant and distracting the next. If your tinnitus is caused by the misalignment of the TMJ or an injury to the mouth, it is a condition that can be corrected with dental treatment. It is possible to relieve your symptoms by realigning the jaw or adjusting your bite. Sometimes it is an abscess in a tooth or gum infection that radiates pain to the ear and is causing a “referred pain”. To help with your symptoms we might also recommend some oral hygiene or lifestyle changes, such as dietary adjustments to help you get better.
If you’re experiencing tinnitus-like symptoms and have pursued various other reasons for it without success, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Kaufman or to call today Tooronga Family Dentistry, phone number 98227006. We will carefully analyze your situation, to see if the is related to the condition of your teeth.