Wisdom teeth are no different to other molars, that start erupting after the age of 6 years old. They are the molars (back teeth) that come through last, usually in the late teens or early 20s. Wisdom teeth can be a blessing, if one of the other molars is not well developed like in MIH (Molar Incisor Hypoplasia) or if they need to be removed due to decay, they can replace them.
In our evolution the size of the jaws is decreasing, leaving at times not enough room for wisdom teeth to come through. Since they will try to erupt, it is usually at an angle, pushing into the gum or the tooth beside it. This is called impaction.
A wisdom tooth on an angle can’t help with chewing, which makes it useless and sometimes painful when bacteria manage to establish themselves around it and cause an abscess. The abscess can be treated with antibiotics. But the infection may keep coming back if food and bacteria can still deposit themselves next to the wisdom tooth. This is usually the reason why so many need to have their wisdom teeth removed. For those who have other health problems like diabetes, heart ailments and especially those with lower immunity, these infections can cause complications.
Since the wisdom teeth are nested in the far corners of the mouth, their removal is more challenging than other teeth. They don’t usually cause any pain until they start to do damage, so it is best to find out if your wisdom teeth are likely to cause problems sooner rather than later. In young adults the roots of wisdom teeth are still forming so it is easier to take them out at this stage. While it may be more complicated if a person waits until later in life, when the roots are fully formed.
Frequently patients come to see me when in pain, to aid them I have purchased the latest ultrasonic surgical system which is much better than the previously used drills. It allows for the immediate removal of the wisdom teeth, which many times is the only solution. For those who are hesitant to have the removal, we can offer sleep dentistry or nitrous oxide sedation. Please contact us to have the position of your wisdom teeth examined and treatment provided when needed.
If your would like to have your wisdom teeth examined, please call Tooronga Family Dentistry, Phone number 98227006.